Back before I was a real estate agent, my wife and I were looking to purchase our first home. We had a great agent, and we were ready to make a move. We found what we thought was an incredible house that just looked beautiful online, was in our desired neighborhood and even had a redone kitchen that my wife loved. When we went to visit it and at first we were so taken by the staging and interior design. But when I started looking, I felt like the refab just wasn’t quality. It had what I call “been band-aided.” We were confused and devastated, but decided to keep looking. Not two weeks later our home came on the market and we have never looked back!
I see this happen all the time…It’s cute. It’s charming. It is at a great price. You’re just about ready to commit. But something just doesn’t feel quite right. This is the crucial listening to your gut stage. Because you don’t want to buy a property lemon! Here are the logical ways you can examine a home to determine if that feeling you are getting is actually legit.
There are a few big things to look for when it comes to a home. Things like…
These big items are definite deal breakers, but there are also some smaller items to be aware of when trying to determine if the house is a safe bet, or a money pit in the making. A good inspector can help you pinpoint these issues:
#1 Electrical Work
Electrical is a big deal. Especially in older homes. Flickering lights or switches that don’t work are a red flag that there might be more work to be done.
#2 Leaky Faucets
If water systems aren’t working well it could mean multiple things. Have your inspector check the sinks, tubs, toilets and showers for leaky faucets or rusted drains. Also check outside to see if there is any flooding, as it could mean bigger issues like a sump pump or backwater flow problem. Even low water pressure could indicate a bigger issue. So check everything!
#3 Mold
This is a big (and expensive) problem and can be very dangerous. Have your inspector look around carefully to see if anything comes up.
As a Realtor®, I will work alongside you, and a trusted inspector to spot these potential hazards by knowing what to look for and what should be inspected sooner rather than later. I actually encourage my buyers to attend the inspection themselves so they can speak directly with the inspector before making any decisions to move forward in the purchase.
I have years of experience with the home buying process and inspections as a real estate agent, but I have also bought and renovated many homes over the years. I pride myself in being able to help you see the “band-aids.” And I am committed to making sure my clients buy a solid house with clear expectations for any work that may be needed in the future.
At this point, you may be convinced that you may need some guidance around the topic of avoiding a property lemon. But you may also be thinking that you have no idea where to start. If you’re thinking about making a move, I can help you through the process. Just send me a message or text me at 760-840-9455. No pressure, no sales tactics, just the help and guidance that you need!
Please feel free to post any questions, comments, or concerns in the chat box. I love talking real estate and sharing my knowledge!
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